Welcome to [site_name]

You have received this email because your email address was used during registration for our site.

Thank you for registering with [site_name]. Renewable enegry is the answer. EcoCompass is the Solution!

Your User Id: [loginName]
Your password: [loginPwd]

We thank you for you interest and support for EcoCompass!

This is the first step to becoming our online partner and taking advantage of our proprietary platform that will help to grow your business and your brand. EcoCompass is proud to have you as a strategic partner as we lay new ground by reshaping and recreating the market of residential green-tech for consumers.

A member of EcoCompass, Inc. will be contacting you with updates and important information as we get closer to launching EcoCompass.com.

If you have any questions please email your inquiries to info@ecocompass.com

Admininstration - [site_name]